Course Registration Requirements The Graduate School requires that all students holding assistantships register for a minimum of 12 hours of graduate credit Fall and Spring semesters and 9 hours of graduate credit during the Summer semester. All graduate students, regardless of support status, must register for a minimum of 3 hours of credit during any semester in which they use University facilities and/or staff time. Registration for more than 18 credits requires special permission. All enrolled students pursuing graduate degrees at the University of Georgia must maintain continuous enrollment from matriculation until completion of all degree requirements. Continuous Enrollment is defined as registering for a minimum of three (3) credits in at least two semesters per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer) until the degree is attained or status as a degree-seeking graduate student is terminated. The Mathematics Department requires students holding assistantships to take at least 9 credits of program-oriented coursework each semester: ordinarily this will be within the Mathematics Department, but courses within related departments (such as Computer Science, Statistics, or Management Science) are acceptable if approved by the student's advisor. (In most cases, the Graduate School requirement to register for a minimum of 12 hours of graduate credit will supersede this departmental requirement.) Except during the summer, the Mathematics Department requires all PhD students who have passed the Written Qualifying Exams to register for at least one PhD-level course each semester, in addition to any reading or research projects they are taking (8800, 8900-8980, 9000, or 9300). Advance Registration and Assistantships The Graduate School requires all students holding assistantships to register during the Phase I or Phase II registration periods before each semester (i.e., before the first day of classes). Students who fail to do so will lose their tuition waiver and reduction of fees for that semester; they cannot be paid as teaching assistants, but may be employed as hourly workers, or temporary instructors, if the Department sees fit. Registration is deemed complete when the student has paid their fees or has checked the payroll deduction option on the Student Account screen in Athena. Note that before this can be done, the student must see their advisor, bring a completed advisement form to Lucy Barrera so she can clear you to register in Athena. Students are requested to complete advisement as early as possible.