This web page contains explicit linear algebra computations referenced in the papers "The uniformization of the moduli space of prinicpally polarized abelian 6-folds" and "Hodge classes on the moduli space of W(E6)-covers and the geometry of A6" by Valery Alexeev, Ron Donagi, Gavril Farkas, Elham Izadi, and Angela Ortega. Mathematica programs for computing the monodromy matrix for degenerations of Prym-Tyurin varieties Checking a particular set of 12 roots: a6.nb The first 6 roots are fixed, the next 6 roots are chosen randomly: a6a.nb (slow) All 12 roots are chosen randomly: a6b.nb (even slower) Mathematica program for checking that h0(2KC-5L)=0 on a particular degeneration 2K-5L.nb Programs for checking the properties of Petri map Sage: petri-py3.sage Mathematica: petrimap.nb Sage program for computing ranks of vector bundles E_i and lambda_i in Table 1 of the "Hodge classes..." paper. hodge-classes-py3.sage